Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A year went by since I have last blogged

I made this blog over a year ago....I have four posts...this will be by fifth. Wow I am an awful blogger. I also thought about trying to blog seriously. I think I can be pretty funny and sincere. And bloggin at least once a week would be a good creative outlet for me. Perhaps I should try to blog weekly. My girl Kramer does it and dam is she one funny bitch. But what to blog about mhm....perhaps I should talk about my opinions or other peoples opinions. I am not sure....I should take a vote. Either way I think the title of my blog should change. (Ups and Downs of Post College Life) Although I am still in post college life I think my life has improve since I last wrote. I no longer live in the shadiest part of jersey, I have a pretty dope full time job and I have met some amazing people. Perhaps I should be updating this thing weekly....yes that is the new goal. Blog once a week and see what happens.

First thing is first....changing the title....who do you guys think?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I couldn't agree more

Now I am new the the blog world but some of my friends aren't. My one friend Kramer has been blogging for quite sometime. Last night....in true Kramer fashion she wrote a sassy witty blog about someone's Facebook status. (On her blog she did not give out any personal information on the status poster important thing to know) Oh how did a blog fight ensue! People were telling her how awful she was...how disgusting she is....and blah blah blah. But all she was doing was commenting on someone's statement they put on Facebook. People were saying in all caps "FACEBOOK IS PRIVATE HOW DARE YOU" And what I have to say to them is...are you a complete dumb ass? Facebook is really not that private and if you are friends with someone they can read your status...Kramer was a friend of yours on Facebook and she read the status you posted willing for all your friends to read. I can't tell you the number of times I have said or her other people say "OMG Did YOU see what she/he put on Facebook" People get fired every day because of what they write on Facebook about there jobs. (I personal know two people who have been "let go" because of this) This also maybe a little know fact but if you copy and paste the link to someone's Facebook page 75% of the time....the person who got the link can see you Facebook page and they might not even been your friend!! If anyone knows Kramer for more then 5 minutes you know she is one sassy bitch and she is going to tell you her opinion if you like it or not. Kramer will call you out  when it is needed (she has called me out when I needed it) And she would never hurt someone on purpose....unless you a.) mess with her family or b.) mess with her friends. So for all those haters out there please think before you speak or you are just going to look like a complete dumbass. And I will forever support the “Kramer Sass”


To read Kramer's Blog: Click Here

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Adventures of Brudder and Seester....

Most people know that I two siblings. I have a littler sister Cody who is 17 and a senior in high school. She is sassy (much like her older sister) but I love her anyway. I have an older brother Brenden who is 24. I currently live with my brother in Jersey City. The funny thing is when I tell people I live with my brother they seemed shock. I assume they are shocked because not many people would be willing to live with their sibling by choice. There are some downs living with my brother....for example one day we had a fight over who was cooking mac and cheese. Yes I am serious...a fight about who was going to boil water and put noodles in the water. And we can be very different. I am super messy (ask anyone I have ever lived with), I am not a morning person (once again ask anyone I have ever lived with), I like to go out, and I LOVE tv. My brother likes to keep the apartment clean, likes to get up early, does enjoying going out but really likes to stay in and he does like tv but we disagree on many shows (such as Teen Mom and anything on Bravo) Although we are different in many ways we get along great and we are close. We may fight but we both know we'll yell and argue for 20 minutes then... 20 minutes later watch Mad Men together. I couldn't be happier that I live with my brother. He tells me when I am being a stupid bitch and I tell him when he is being an ass.  Living in a new state...not knowing many people...not having tons of money...living in a so-so apartment is really hard but It is great to come home and have my brother their make fun of me and give me a beer when I am down. 
Plus Brudder and Seester could be the new hit sitcom on TBS....

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Ups and Downs of Post College Life

The other day I thought to myself....hey maybe I should have my own blog....I can be pretty funny plus I can tell people what I have been up to. So here I am writing my first blog. I am not sure how entertaining this will be for some people but hey....not my problem.

So it has been almost six months since I graduate from Shippensburg University. For those people who don't know where that is...it is in Shippensburg, PA...for those don't know where that is....just google map it. And it has been almost five months since I moved from Stewartstown, PA (once again if you don't know where it is...google map it)  to New Jersey. Now I know what some people might be thinking..."Why the hell do you move to dirty jersey"...well my friends....during my senior year I was trying to figure out what I was going to after I graduate from college....my brother  Brenden and I were talking one day and he mentioned off hand that I could come move with him to New York City. I thought about this for awhile...then one day I called brother asked if the offer was still on the table...he said yes. Brenden started to look for apartments and found that New Jersey was much cheaper then NYC....so here we are....in Jersey City. Not the best of areas but it works for now (and no worries a more detailed blog of life in jersey with brudder and seester is to come) 

Now you might be wondering "ok Casey...now that you are in Jersey what are you doing with your life?" Well...I have an internship in Manhattan with an event planning firm. Which I love. It is unpaid but I am getting great experience and the people I work with are awesome. (More details to come of corse) To pay the bills and have money I work as a hostess in Hoboken, NJ. (And as you might of guess a blog of my adventures as a hostess is coming....I know you are waiting with anticipation

"Now Casey"...you might be thinking to yourself "why have you titled this the ups and downs of post college life"....well let me tell you. Trying to figure out your life after college is a difficult. Moving to a new place is a difficult. Being away from your best friends is a difficult. (No one knows how much I truly miss walking down the stairs and up the stairs to Happy Dale) Now don't get me wrong....I am meeting new people....going out to new places...and having experiences that I would never been able to have staying in PA. But believe me... I have my days when I think to myself would it really be that bad living in my parent's house rent free in PA?

I am pretty sure that one day I will figure it all out (hopefully)...but until then....this blog we'll be used to tell the world of my Ups and Downs of Post College Life.